
[Blend2] Intellisense for Expression Blend 2 SP1

While coding in source code mode, XAMLntellisense is avaliable in VS2008 but not in Blend2. BUT I find a good news, now it's possible to have intellisense in Blend2. Please read articles listed below:

Articles: Intellisense for Expression Blend 2 SP1 working again! (mention details about installation steps)
Code Reference: IntelliSense For Expression Blend

Installing BlendSense in XP is as easy as what the article instructs. Under Vista OS, I have to use cmd console to execute following command:
# cd [Blend Installation Folder]
# Blend.exe -addin:Addins\Expression.Blend.Intellisense.dll


[iTextSharp] iTextSharp encryption options for PDF document

iTextSharp encryption options for PDF document (setEncryption)

The userPassword and the ownerPassword can be Nothing or have zero length. In this case the ownerPassword is replaced by a random string.

The open permissions for the document can be following:
AllowPrinting, AllowModifyContents, AllowCopy, AllowModifyAnnotations, AllowFillIn, AllowScreenReaders, AllowAssembly, and AllowDegradedPrinting

Easy way to choose which permission to use (VS2008 intellisense):
e.g. PdfWriter.AllowPrinting

Related Articles: 循序漸進學習iTextSharp之十一(對文檔進行加密)


[Silverlight] Silverlight Tools for VS2008 CHT Relased!

Silverlight Tools for VS2008 CHT is available now!!!



[Linux] Force to stop a running program

List all running programs
$ ps -lA

Kill a running program by PID (-9 is force to stop)
$ kill -9 [PID]

INT2鍵盤的插入指令 (同 Ctrl + C)
QUIT3鍵盤的中斷指令 (同 Ctrl + \)
CONT18程序的再啟動指令 (STOP後再重新啟動)
STOP19程序的停止指令 (同 Ctrl+Z)

Some more info: Process Control


[jQuery] Visual jQuery

English (Official):
Visual jQuery 1.1.2

Chinese Version:
Visual jQuery API 參考
Visual jQuery 1.1 API 中文版

[jQuery] jQuery Intellisense in VS2008

Some articles about jQuery Intellisense in VS2008

Common Use:
<script src="js/jquery-core.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/jQuery.intellisense.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

While executing js code, it's better command out intellisense script. Otherwise, browser won't diplay correct results.

In separated js file, use:
/// <reference path="js/jQuery.intellisense.js">

[SQL] MSSQL 中文筆劃排序語法

#### 中文筆劃排序語法 (COLLATE Chinese_PRC_Stroke_ci_as) ####

SELECT * FROM [TableName]
ORDER BY [FieldName] COLLATE Chinese_PRC_Stroke_ci_as

#### 以注音符號排序語法 (COLLATE Chinese_Taiwan_bopomofo_CI_AS) ####

SELECT * FROM [TableName]
ORDER BY [FieldName] COLLATE Chinese_Taiwan_bopomofo_CI_AS

Reference: http://www.dotblogs.com.tw/topcat/archive/2008/09/18/5412.aspx