
MySQL & .NET MySQL connector & Chinese Support

I just encounter a serious problem when inserting chinese data into MySQL using .NET MySQL connector. It shows like ????.

OK...Here is the solution:

Change Connection String and add charset=utf8:

Database=[dbname];Data Source=[source];User Id=[userid];Password=[password];charset=utf8


[SEO] Publish your websites

SEO...first step...let people find your site through search engines.

http://tw.search.yahoo.com/free/request (Need login)


[MIME] Flv MIME Type

In Windows Server 2003, flv is not associated with IIS environment.
In order to play *.flv file correctly, adding MIME type to IIS is the solution.

flv MIME type: video/x-flv OR flv-application/octet-stream


[SEO] SEO是為了人們找到我們,創造背後的商機

"SEO是為了人們找到我們,創造背後的商機,而不是為了讓人們找到我們,然後去點廣告" -- 良葛格

在某個 RSS 上看到的一句話...中肯的提醒...趕快記錄一下...


[HTML] Conditional Comments

When dealing with HTML and CSS, the most difficult part is to get everything work in different browsers.

Some hack tips:
In CSS, the way I use to code for different browsers (usually IE and FF) is '!important'.
However, it seems that IE 7 understands this magic command while IE 6 doesn't. It makes more difficult to recognize IE 7 and FF.

Here is the solution: Conditional Comments
simple way to check IE version
<!--[if IE 6]>

Using Internet Explorer 6.

or check the condition: [if !IE] => for FF


[Linux] Remote MySQL

Recently, I'm trying to remote access MySQL database from different computer.
Finally I have it work!

Step 1: change setting info in /etc/mysql/my.cnf
  • comment out bind-address = (it's for localhost only)
  • add safe-show-database (for security reason)
  • change server and client mysql default port 3306 to any other port number (e.g. 12345)
Step 2: save my.cnf file and restart MySQL
Step 3: open the specific port you just set
Step 4: test & done!

[Linux] Kubuntu hostname setup

I saw my kubuntu box displayed as "Unknown" server name in my router.
Here is the solution to fix unknown hostname problem:
sudo vi /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf
change send host-name "newHostName";

Learned from: Fix hostname unknown in router


[Linux] Kubuntu Printer Setup

Kubuntu 6.06 Printer Setup

Maybe your system can setup printer correctly, if not, here is the solution:

sudo foomatic-cleanupdrivers
sudo adduser cupsys shadow
sudo dpkg-reconfigure cupsys

Open your browser and type the url:

Step by step to setup your printer:
  1. click "Administraion" Tab
  2. from the listing printers, click to add the correct one
  3. change to "Printers" Tab, click "Set as Default"
  4. Done